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51 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Pioggia. Blackwater. Vol. 6

McDowell Michael
Pioggia. Blackwater. Vol. 6

1958. Gli anni passano, tra ricevimenti fastosi, unioni insolite e rivelazioni travolgenti, ma non portano quiete per i membri della famiglia Caskey. Dopo l’età dell’oro, ritornano giorni foschi. Qualcosa di terribile incombe su Perdido, i suoi abitanti e i suoi fiumi. Il tempo delle profezie è ormai giunto.

CHF 17.00

La fortuna. Blackwater. Vol. 5

McDowell Michael
La fortuna. Blackwater. Vol. 5

1946. Come un organismo vivente, la famiglia Caskey si sviluppa e si trasforma. Alcuni affrontano la morte, altri accolgono la vita: tra riavvi¬cinamenti inattesi, rancori sordi e separazioni inevitabili le relazioni si evolvono. Ormai a capo della segheria e punto di riferimento del clan, Miriam lavora instancabilmente per rendere i Caskey sempre più ricchi. Una scoperta sorprendente e miracolosa – eccetto che per una pers...

CHF 17.00

La guerra. Blackwater. Vol. 4

McDowell Michael
La guerra. Blackwater. Vol. 4

1938. È l’alba di una nuova èra per il clan Caskey e nulla sarà mai più come prima. La determinazione di Elinor finalmente dà i suoi frutti. I nemici di ieri diverranno gli amici di domani e i mutamenti giungeranno da luoghi inaspettati. Anche per il mondo si apre una nuova èra, portatrice però di pericolo e distruzione: il conflitto in Europa farà affluire sangue nuovo a Perdido...

CHF 17.00

La casa. Blackwater. Vol. 3

McDowell Michael
La casa. Blackwater. Vol. 3

1928, Perdido. Il clan Caskey è dilaniato dalla spietata lotta tra Mary-Love ed Elinor. Ma all'orizzonte si allungano altre ombre: sui legami, sui patrimoni, sulle anime. E le ripercussioni varcheranno i confini dell’immaginazione. Da quando Elinor ha preso possesso della casa più bella di Perdido, negli angoli bui della magione allignano ricordi spaventosi che, come ragni instancabili, tessono tele mortali.

CHF 17.00

La piena. Blackwater. Vol. 1

McDowell Michael
La piena. Blackwater. Vol. 1

1919. Le acque nere e minacciose del fiume sommergono la cittadina di Perdido, Alabama. Come gli altri abitanti, i ricchissimi Caskey, proprietari di boschi e segherie, devono fronteggiare il disastro provocato dalla furia degli elementi. Ma il clan, capeggiato dalla potente matriarca Mary-Love e dal figlio devoto Oscar, dovrà anche fare i conti con un’apparizione sconvolgente. Dalle viscere della città sommersa compare ...

CHF 17.00

La diga. Blackwater. Vol. 2

McDowell Michael
La diga. Blackwater. Vol. 2

1922. Mentre Perdido si sta riprendendo dalla devastante inondazione, la costruzione di una diga è l'unico baluardo possibile contro la furia dell'acqua. Ma il cantiere riversa sulla cittadina il suo carico di imprevisti: la rivolta degli operai, il capriccio delle correnti, il mistero di alcune sparizioni. La matriarca Mary-Love si scontra con Elinor, ora parte della famiglia Caskey. Macchinazioni, alleanze innaturali, sacrifici: a ...

CHF 17.00

BLACKWATER - Eine geheimnisvolle Saga - Buch 5

Mcdowell, Michael / Decker, Andreas
BLACKWATER - Eine geheimnisvolle Saga - Buch 5
Die Blackwater-Saga gilt als eine der besten unheimlichen Erzählungen aller Zeiten. Ein über mehrere Generationen verteiltes Familienfresko. Die Publikation war ein solcher Erfolg, dass sie Stephen King (ein Bewunderer der Werke von Michael McDowell) dazu inspirierte, The Green Mile ebenfalls in sechs Bänden zu veröffentlichen. Blackwater ist anders als alles, was du je gelesen hast. Eine Familiensaga mit einer einzigartigen Atm...

CHF 23.90

BLACKWATER - Eine geheimnisvolle Saga - Buch 4

Mcdowell, Michael / Decker, Andreas
BLACKWATER - Eine geheimnisvolle Saga - Buch 4
Die Blackwater-Saga gilt als eine der besten unheimlichen Erzählungen aller Zeiten. Ein über mehrere Generationen verteiltes Familienfresko. Die Publikation war ein solcher Erfolg, dass sie Stephen King (ein Bewunderer der Werke von Michael McDowell) dazu inspirierte, The Green Mile ebenfalls in sechs Bänden zu veröffentlichen. Blackwater ist anders als alles, was du je gelesen hast. Eine Familiensaga mit einer einzigartigen Atm...

CHF 23.90

BLACKWATER - Eine geheimnisvolle Saga - Buch 6

Mcdowell, Michael / Decker, Andreas
BLACKWATER - Eine geheimnisvolle Saga - Buch 6
Die Blackwater-Saga gilt als eine der besten unheimlichen Erzählungen aller Zeiten. Ein über mehrere Generationen verteiltes Familienfresko. Die Publikation war ein solcher Erfolg, dass sie Stephen King (ein Bewunderer der Werke von Michael McDowell) dazu inspirierte, The Green Mile ebenfalls in sechs Bänden zu veröffentlichen. Blackwater ist anders als alles, was du je gelesen hast. Eine Familiensaga mit einer einzigartigen Atm...

CHF 23.90

BLACKWATER - Eine geheimnisvolle Saga - Buch 3

Mcdowell, Michael / Decker, Andreas
BLACKWATER - Eine geheimnisvolle Saga - Buch 3
Die Blackwater-Saga gilt als eine der besten unheimlichen Erzählungen aller Zeiten. Ein über mehrere Generationen verteiltes Familienfresko. Die Publikation war ein solcher Erfolg, dass sie Stephen King (ein Bewunderer der Werke von Michael McDowell) dazu inspirierte, The Green Mile ebenfalls in sechs Bänden zu veröffentlichen. Blackwater ist anders als alles, was du je gelesen hast. Eine Familiensaga mit einer einzigartigen Atm...

CHF 23.90

BLACKWATER - Eine geheimnisvolle Saga - Buch 2

Mcdowell, Michael / Decker, Andreas
BLACKWATER - Eine geheimnisvolle Saga - Buch 2
Die Blackwater-Saga gilt als eine der besten unheimlichen Erzählungen aller Zeiten. Ein über mehrere Generationen verteiltes Familienfresko. Die Publikation war ein solcher Erfolg, dass sie Stephen King (ein Bewunderer der Werke von Michael McDowell) dazu inspirierte, The Green Mile ebenfalls in sechs Bänden zu veröffentlichen. Blackwater ist anders als alles, was du je gelesen hast. Eine Familiensaga mit einer einzigartigen Atm...

CHF 23.90

BLACKWATER - Eine geheimnisvolle Saga - Buch 1

Mcdowell, Michael / Decker, Andreas
BLACKWATER - Eine geheimnisvolle Saga - Buch 1
Die Blackwater-Saga gilt als eine der besten unheimlichen Erzählungen aller Zeiten. Ein über mehrere Generationen verteiltes Familienfresko. Die Publikation war ein solcher Erfolg, dass sie Stephen King (ein Bewunderer der Werke von Michael McDowell) dazu inspirierte, The Green Mile ebenfalls in sechs Bänden zu veröffentlichen. Blackwater ist anders als alles, was du je gelesen hast. Eine Familiensaga mit einer einzigartigen Atm...

CHF 23.90

Louisiana Firestorm

Mcdowell, Michael / Preston, John / Abell, Chris
Louisiana Firestorm
The Black Berets have met the enemy--and he lives next door!Letting a struggling Chicano gas company run its pipeline across their Louisiana land struck the Black Berets as a good idea--especially once Cowboy got an eyeball on Isabella Cifuentes, its stunning, sultry president. But the contract, it seemed, contained some very fine and lethal print.A Texas oil magnate allied with a fanatical right-wing cult had made an unholy alliance to keep t...

CHF 43.90

The Black Palm

Mcdowell, Michael / Preston, John / Abell, Chris
The Black Palm
A band of terrorists in a Caribbean paradise are up against the Black Berets, the deadliest fighters on the planet! The Black Palm called themselves a nation, though their own people had cast them out. They called themselves an army, but made war on unarmed men, women and children. And in their fanatical crusade, they might strike anywhere. Even in the tiny Caribbean republic of New Neuzen.The only thing that stood between New Neuzen and a ter...

CHF 43.90

The Samurai Contract

Mcdowell, Michael / Preston, John
The Samurai Contract
Against a deadly alliance of Japanese smarts and KGB savagery, they were striking back--with everything they had!In the arms race against Russia, the United States has eked ahead with their superior advancements in computer technology. All that changes when Russia recruits some of Japan's finest scientific minds to build their greatest weapon yet: a supercomputer capable of annihilating the US's formidable Star Wars defense system.Destined for...

CHF 48.50

The Night of the Jaguar

Mcdowell, Michael / Preston, John / Abell, Chris
The Night of the Jaguar
National hero, military genius--too bad the Black Berets had him marked for death ...To the average citizen, the Lion of Salvador was a national hero, a military general of such renown that his accolades spanned two continents. To those in the know, however, the man was the cruelest of drug lords, a savage despot building an unstoppable empire that ranged from the Central American jungle to the bustling streets of New York.Enter the five-man s...

CHF 43.90

The Project Habit

Mcdowell, Michael / Miller, Kelley S
The Project Habit
The primacy of surface teaching and learning is largely based on a system of habits. Attempts at changing these systems have been based largely on changing belief systems, building "motion" based habits, and setting goals. As we read through the book, motion and actions both require effort. Action habits however provide results. The work of teachers is to employ action habits that are linked deep-to-transfer learning on a daily basis and to en...

CHF 38.90

The Samurai Contract

Mcdowell, Michael / Preston, John
The Samurai Contract
Against a deadly alliance of Japanese smarts and KGB savagery, they were striking back--with everything they had!In the arms race against Russia, the United States has eked ahead with their superior advancements in computer technology. All that changes when Russia recruits some of Japan's finest scientific minds to build their greatest weapon yet: a supercomputer capable of annihilating the US's formidable Star Wars defense system.Destined for...

CHF 21.90

Louisiana Firestorm

Mcdowell, Michael / Preston, John
Louisiana Firestorm
The Black Berets have met the enemy--and he lives next door!Letting a struggling Chicano gas company run its pipeline across their Louisiana land struck the Black Berets as a good idea--especially once Cowboy got an eyeball on Isabella Cifuentes, its stunning, sultry president. But the contract, it seemed, contained some very fine and lethal print.A Texas oil magnate allied with a fanatical right-wing cult had made an unholy alliance to keep t...

CHF 21.90

The Black Palm

Mcdowell, Michael / Preston, John
The Black Palm
A band of terrorists in a Caribbean paradise are up against the Black Berets, the deadliest fighters on the planet! The Black Palm called themselves a nation, though their own people had cast them out. They called themselves an army, but made war on unarmed men, women and children. And in their fanatical crusade, they might strike anywhere. Even in the tiny Caribbean republic of New Neuzen.The only thing that stood between New Neuzen and a ter...

CHF 21.90